About me

How I work


By focusing on EFT, I am able to help both members of a couple develop an authentically secure relationship, experience the joy of being emotionally present with your partner. (If you are unfamiliar with EFT, you may wish to learn more on the “About EFT" section of this site)

I believe our relationships are the most important things we have in our lives and essential to our physical and emotional health plus being the source of our greatest joy. And I know change is possible even when it may seem complicated and perhaps overwhelming. I have experienced both — the pain of a difficult and tangled relationship before I had done my own work — and today, the joy of the supportive and intimate relationship I had always craved. The work I do to help couples is motivated by by my own experience and the deep satisfaction I get from helping couples to have the closeness they desire.

I am deeply involved in a community of skilled EFT therapists whose focus is to help couples experience great and successful relationships. And I continue to develop my knowledge and experience through continuing training and research.


Andrew Copperman, LMFT

  • Former Chairman of the Program Committee for NCCEFT (the Northern California Community of Emotionally Focused Therapists)

  • Former Director of EFT Couples Therapy training at CIP (the Community Institute for Psychotherapy)

  • Certified Emotionally Focused Therapy Therapist

  • Informed Internal Family Systems therapist

  • MA in Counseling Psychology; California Institute of Integral Studies

  • Member of CAMFT (the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists)


Get in touch

I would be delighted to speak with you to see if we would be a good fit and be sure I can help you effectively. Please click on the button below to book a time for us to speak or call me at 415-847-8842.

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